I am probably going to get some grief for this post, but I'm tired. I'm tired of getting emails saying that we should force retailers to use the word Christmas in their advertising. I love the people who are sending me these emails, truly I do, but I disagree with what they are saying.
You see, I am a Mormon, and therefore Christian. I celebrate Christmas. But I also try to respect people of other faiths who don't. When I do send Christmas cards (which isn't often), I send cards that say "Happy Holidays." Not because I don't want to celebrate the birth of Christ, but because I have people on my list who don't. They do however celebrate the holidays. It isn't my job to force my beliefs upon them, it is my job to love them and respect them and their beliefs, just as they respect mine.
To me, Christmas is not about retailers who will or won't say the words "Merry Christmas." And frankly I could care less about the Jerry Falwell’s and Bill O'Reilly's who are saying there is a "War on Christmas." To me, Christmas is about celebrating the birth and the life of Christ. He was, and is not a respecter of persons. He loves all of us, Christian and non-Christian alike. Whatever words we choose to use or whatever faith we choose to practice, Christ loves us unconditionally. Whether we choose to say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays,” Christmas is not in danger. Our beliefs are not in danger, because they are just that, our beliefs. No one can take them from us.
So, to the three of you who I know read this blog, Happy Holidays! For those of you I don’t know about, have a wonderful holiday season, whatever you choose to celebrate.