Friday, November 11, 2005

More than you want to know

I was reading my friends blog the other day and I'm telling you, if you haven't read it, you should. She is funny and charming and very engaging. Anyway, she stole the following idea from a random blog that she read and now I'm stealing it from her. And I'm telling you it is harder than it sounds.

So, here you go. 100 things you never knew you wanted to know about me.

  1. I love Art!

  2. I don’t like to drive.

  3. I think Ice Cream can fix any problem.

  4. I wish I could draw.

  5. I have watery eyes (thanks to my father).

  6. I don’t cry nearly as much as I’d like to.

  7. I’m an obsessive reader. If I find a book I like I don’t get anything else done until I’ve read it.

  8. I color my hair once a month (otherwise I’d look a whole lot older than I’d like to look).

  9. I’m terrible at writing letters, even when it is as easy as sending an email.

  10. I love to sing, and will do it whenever I have the chance.

  11. I go to church every Sunday.

  12. I had a dog, but it was so painful when we had to put him down, I don’t want another one.

  13. History fascinates me.

  14. I’ve recently started watching Desperate Housewives.

  15. My best friend is in Napoleon Dynamite.

  16. I’d much rather be behind the camera than in front.

  17. Public speaking terrifies me, but I’m actually pretty good at it.

  18. When I get nervous I crack jokes.

  19. I love to knit.

  20. I like to make beaded jewelry.

  21. Meeting famous people does nothing for me (unless it is any of the members of U2, then I’d be a mess).

  22. I’ve been to Paris.

  23. I don’t like Ballet.

  24. I’ve blocked out most of High School.

  25. I’m terrible at remembering names, but I rarely forget a face.
  26. I think standing ovations are over rated and I rarely stand with the crowd.

  27. I love musical theatre.

  28. I like jell-o

  29. Sometimes I wish it was socially acceptable for a 35 year old to color.

  30. When I’m sick I always want my Mom to take care of me.

  31. I was once addicted to caffeine, and kicking that habit is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

  32. I love giving gifts.

  33. I wish my birthday was in April instead of February.

  34. I think going to a U2 concert is a spiritual experience.

  35. My fingernails grow way too fast.

  36. I get a pedicure once a month.

  37. I get warts on my fingers.

  38. I’m shy, but most people don’t believe me when I say that.

  39. When I was little I wanted to be a writer...and a hair stylist.

  40. I have very little patience.

  41. When I’m stressed my eye twitches.

  42. The words "The Nutcracker" make me want to slit my wrists.

  43. With the exception of the years 1999 & 2000, I haven’t had a Thanksgiving weekend off in 12 years (see #42).

  44. Did I mention that U2 is the greatest band in the history of bands?

  45. I’m a photographer (though not professionally).

  46. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters.

  47. I’ve lived in Utah my whole life and never skied.

  48. I’m afraid of water.

  49. Fall is my favorite season.

  50. I know how to start a pretty good fire, though I don’t much like to camp.

  51. I was once bit by a rare tick and was sick for a month and a half before the doctor figured out what was wrong with me (I thought I was going to die…literally).

  52. I love to take baths.

  53. I love the Eiffel Tower.

  54. I’m very straight forward (some would call it blunt).

  55. One of my biggest pet peeves is milk left out on the counter.
  56. I’m terrible at math.

  57. I’ve been to the Olympics.

  58. I don’t like to shop, but I love to spend money.

  59. When I get sleepy I get chatty.

  60. I don’t like to wear shoes.

  61. I own 10 scarves but only 1 coat.

  62. I think that coconut is the most disgusting food ever (except the time I didn’t know I was eating it, then it was pretty good).

  63. Deer Lake in Washington is my favorite place on earth.

  64. I think it is better to see Shakespearean plays than to read them.

  65. I have carpel tunnel.

  66. I’m lactose intolerant.

  67. Stupid people make me crazy, which is kind of a bold statement, because who is to say that I’m not a stupid person.

  68. I would love to win the lottery but would never buy a ticket.

  69. I’m a Mormon.

  70. I love surprises.

  71. I own a Magic 8 Ball.

  72. I think Wal-mart is evil.

  73. I’m a democrat, which is kind of an oxymoron when you read #69.

  74. I own three cameras.

  75. I make fun of bad theatre (which is sometimes a good thing, but not always).

  76. I don’t like yellow mustard, but LOVE Dijon mustard.

  77. Making this list is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

  78. I’ve never been to Disney Land.

  79. I don't like Country Music.

  80. My X-men name is Distract-o (because I’m distract-ed, not distract-ing).

  81. I have 5 nieces, and 4 nephews, with one on the way and I LOVE being an Aunt.

  82. I love New York City.

  83. Spiders scare the crap out of me.

  84. I love classical music.

  85. Lara Deppe is one of the funniest people I know (and I know some funny people).

  86. I think clowns are scary.

  87. I’m allergic to Nuts.

  88. I can’t sleep if my bedroom door is open.

  89. It bothers me when someone opens a door for me.

  90. I’m always late, except to Theatre, Movies and Concerts.

  91. I’m kind of bossy…ok, that’s an understatement.

  92. I’m prone to exaggeration.

  93. I’m short.

  94. I think the only thing worse than cleaning the toilet is having a dirty toilet.

  95. I hate road trips.

  96. I’ve never voted for anyone named George Bush (and, yes, I was old enough to vote when the first one ran for a second term).

  97. I always keep 2 emails in my inbox so that I can hear the guy say "You’ve Got Mail."

  98. I’m listed in the phone book.

  99. Old people make me smile

  100. I’ve never been to the Ocean.

1 comment:

Cecily R said...

I've learned so much about you that I've reached my "learn new things" quota for the week! Interesting exercise, isn't it? It is really hard--especially if you are like me and keep throwing out stupid sounding things that make it seem like my last item should be
1. I am a bit of a stupid person.

Anyway, I am sure glad that you write this. Since we rarely get to talk with our schedules, it makes me still feel connected to you. :)